Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Dirty Zionist - Six-Year Anniversary Special aka Relaunch!

When I look back over the last six years of the Dirty Zionist its almost strange that I haven’t written more about what’s been happening in my life, drama filled as it has been.

But its also true that I've had little to say to the world. Four posts (now removed), the paltry sum of my efforts over the last six years… It’s a pretty good metaphor for my life as I’ve spent these years reflecting and reorienting myself; more likely to be found lost in thought than actually getting round to writing anything down…

And so we come to the re-launch of the Dirty Zionist which I hope will be something at the very least more frequent, if not also more interesting and more useful than what came before. 

My inspiration comes from the simple words of Rabbi Yitchok Ziskind – the best piece of advice anyone has ever given me, “try to be a blessing to everyone you meet”. If only I’d listened to him…